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Revenue Cycle Consulting

Realize Higher Reimbursement

Revenulytics brings unmatched, objective, and logical approaches to transform and improve your revenue cycle. The ultimate result is a sustainable, functional, and optimal workflow that supports your organization's goals and realizes its full revenue potential.

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Our Comprehensive Solutions


Our team of experts provides independent and unbiased assessments of people, processes, and technology


Outsourcing creates opportunities for increased efficiencies, a reduction in spending and administrative burden


Our advanced reporting analytics is used to identify root causes, risks and provide targeted strategies for your needs

At its core, revenue cycle management is the process of managing a patient's account from the moment they schedule an appointment through to the final payment of their bill. This process can be complex and time-consuming, with many different steps and stakeholders involved. That's where our revenue cycle consulting services come in.

Our team of experienced consultants works closely with healthcare organizations to assess their revenue cycle processes, identify areas for improvement, and implement strategies to optimize their financial performance. We take a data-driven approach to revenue cycle management, leveraging the latest tools and technologies to help our clients achieve their financial goals.

Some of the specific services we offer include:

  • Denial management: We'll help you reduce the number of denied claims and maximize your revenue by improving your denial management processes
  • Charge capture optimization: We'll review your charge capture processes to ensure that you're billing for all services provided and maximizing your reimbursement.
  • Coding and documentation reviews: We'll assess your coding and documentation practices to ensure that they comply with all relevant regulations and guidelines and are optimized for revenue generation.
  • Revenue cycle staff training: We'll provide training to your revenue cycle staff to help them stay up-to-date on the latest regulations and best practices and improve their performance.

At every step of the way, we'll work closely with your organization to ensure that our services are tailored to your unique needs and goals. We're committed to providing our clients with the highest level of service and support, and we pride ourselves on delivering measurable results.

If you're looking to improve your healthcare organization's financial performance, contact us today to learn more about our revenue cycle consulting services.

Serving Providers Across the Country

$80M+ in Client NPR

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